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Communicating through technology is good and easy. However if you need to seriously tell someone something and you send it they may take it very wrongly. If I told someone I like Jimmy Cobbler then they may think I’m kidding and laugh at me but if I do it in person I could look all serious like so they know , Oh Ok you’re not kidding. Despite bearing some minor similarities, the differences between technology and person are clear.


These are just a few similarities between communicating through technology and in person. So here are some of the good similarities between these items. For starters you can express emotions both ways.Last of all you can bully someone both ways. For a fact most teen suicide cases come back to bullying. Here is another fact about 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying. There you have just a few reasons that communicating through technology and person


Here are just a few differences between communicating through technology and communicating through person. Going to a person’s house to talk to them takes a longer amount of time than technology communication takes shorter amount of time. Or In person bullying can be physical or emotionally hurt while on technology one can be hurt mentally or emotionally. I knew someone who got bullied and she would go home and cry but one day she decided to stand up to the bully, and they were friends until one day she moved. Now me and that girl still stay in touch and we get along just fine and that bully and me and my friend who got bullied still stay in touch but the bully moved to Colorado last year. Me and my friend who got bullied haven’t spoken to the bully since then. Here is a quote from the bible {John 13:34} As I have loved you, love one another. I would say that to both of the girls the bully and the victim and one day at the same time they both said that verse back to me. There you have a few differences between communicating in person then communicating through technology.


I hope you now know the similarities and differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology.

Tuba Christmas

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It was a cold winter day

December 23, 2016 Dallas Texas

It was me, Morgan-Taylor, Mom, Dad, and Logan

And all through the park not a person was stirring not even ones spouse

When BOOM!!!!!!

There was a musical rucas

It was the tubas, baritones, and sousaphone

” Well hello everybody welcome to the 73 annual Tuba Christmas.”

The speaker blasted in my ear


They had played a total of 23 songs

We left at 3ish and we were coming home after we stopped at Bucees

We ended coming home in pouring rain

There was a total of 9 wrecks

We actually got home at 10:45 and boy we were glad to be home.