My advice For New 6th graders

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By Lainie La Favor;)

Today I’m going to tell you some advice about 6th grade.
You might feel the need to be scared or intimidated but don’t you’ll be fine I promise. You will need to get on all teachers good side. You will need to study hard to be able to pass the grade because if you don’t they will hold you back,we don’t want that.

First and foremost you need to get on all teachers good side. It just makes everything easier.Trust me I was on some teachers bad side, but then I started getting on the green and now it is all good.So now as you know you can get on the good sides too and all you need to do is be respectful off them.

My second tip is always study for anything and get your reviews signed for bonus. Studies show that kids who study have a better chance of passing and accelerating with their learning. Plus if you study and the teachers hand out a surprise pop quiz you’ll be ready. Take it from experience, it happens! So I hope you will take something from this and run with it.

So remember this advice and soak it all up like a sponge and don’t forget to study and get on all you teachers good sides.

Bravery is the Key

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Bravery is needed in everyday life, if you went your whole without bravery you would do nothing fun or adventurous. Malala wrote “I AM MALALA” and was very brave and courageous for standing out against the Taliban. Bravery is important to be able to anything fun and life wouldn’t be boring and MALALA wouldn’t have been able to stand up against the Taliban.

However, Malala’s brave, she is also courageous, here are a few examples.” If the journalist ask me if I am afraid. I say no!” That sentence to me show that she is not afraid. “I hadn’t cried once in that hospital.” This one shows to me that Malala is very brave and strong mentally. I hope these are a few examples of how Malala is brave and courageous.

Without bravery you wouldn’t be able to do anything adventurous bold,or daring.” Whenever we go out people would ask me to take pictures with me,I don’t mind” This shows to me how Malala is brave enough to go outside even closely after the accident.I hope this little paragraph show to you how you need to be brave enough to do thing. You can’t live a happy life scared of the world!

In conclusion, I hope these show how bravery is important to live a happy life and do fun things.Bravery is needed in our everyday life as you see daily, people are doing new things everyday and trying new things maybe one day you will too.

A Little Girls Dream

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Education is important to Malala because she believes everybody deserves a chance to get a good education.
“Your school id bad,it doesn’t follow the straight path of islam.” This shows that however, other people can’t go to school because of their beliefs. “ My school is my heaven.” This shows Malala loves her education.
I hope this short passage shows to you why Malala believes that everybody deserves a chance to get educated.


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Communicating through technology is good and easy. However if you need to seriously tell someone something and you send it they may take it very wrongly. If I told someone I like Jimmy Cobbler then they may think I’m kidding and laugh at me but if I do it in person I could look all serious like so they know , Oh Ok you’re not kidding. Despite bearing some minor similarities, the differences between technology and person are clear.


These are just a few similarities between communicating through technology and in person. So here are some of the good similarities between these items. For starters you can express emotions both ways.Last of all you can bully someone both ways. For a fact most teen suicide cases come back to bullying. Here is another fact about 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying. There you have just a few reasons that communicating through technology and person


Here are just a few differences between communicating through technology and communicating through person. Going to a person’s house to talk to them takes a longer amount of time than technology communication takes shorter amount of time. Or In person bullying can be physical or emotionally hurt while on technology one can be hurt mentally or emotionally. I knew someone who got bullied and she would go home and cry but one day she decided to stand up to the bully, and they were friends until one day she moved. Now me and that girl still stay in touch and we get along just fine and that bully and me and my friend who got bullied still stay in touch but the bully moved to Colorado last year. Me and my friend who got bullied haven’t spoken to the bully since then. Here is a quote from the bible {John 13:34} As I have loved you, love one another. I would say that to both of the girls the bully and the victim and one day at the same time they both said that verse back to me. There you have a few differences between communicating in person then communicating through technology.


I hope you now know the similarities and differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology.

Darkness A Reflection of “Out of My Mind”

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When they sit and talk I sit and stare 

When sit and stare no one seems to notice

Oh how I wish someone would come and sit 

Maybe someday someone will come but i’m just wasting my breath

Some people notice my but they just laugh at me  

wish i could change it but i cant no one  can

And that STINKS

Some people want everything but their real ungrateful about things

I long for what they try and through away

Maybe one day my wish will come true

But until then ill just suffer through

Literary Response

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Here are some reasons that I can connect with Melody in Out of My Mind. First Melody has a little sister, and I have a little sister “I think I knew mom was going to have a baby before she did.” Second” This baby is real time consuming.” Melody feels like the baby takes up all of the time, so do I sometimes.Next, sometimes parents fight because the are under a lot of stress and pressure, my parents fight sometimes so do Melody’s “Sorry girls.” Dad said to us. Now I hope you now know some reasons how I can connect with Melody.

Sharon Draper’s Writing

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       Sharon Draper made many choices in “Out of My Mind” that I like.    I like how she emphasized how it is to live with one that is disabled.    “ I blinked again and she was still right up in his face I hope you never have a disabled child you would probably put it out with the trash.”  I like how she put it in the main characters  point of view, “Was this my Mother.” She really made you feel like the main character, “ I can’t walk, I can’t talk, I can’t even take myself to the bathroom, Big Bummer.”

Sharon Draper made many great decisions in Out of My Mind that I enjoy.