My year In 5th Grade

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It is a lot harder in 5th than 4th but I think if we hold it together than it will get a lot easier as long as we strive to do the best we can. So far my favorite subjects are math reading and science, history is a little harder and I have never been to good at social studies. I know that we will have a good year we can do so much if we put our minds to it. Every  body makes mistakes and last year we made many of them but we can fix that this year and make those mistakes seem like nothing.

5th grade has taught me to have hope and keep our heads up it is okay  to mess up everybody does

My Year In 4th Grade Math

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In 4th grade math I learned how to add and subtract fractions. My  favorite thing we did was when we worked in partners together on division. My least favorite thing was when we learned double digit multiplication. My strengths are division and adding fractions. My weaknesses are multiplication and subtracting fractions. I want to learn how to multiply and divide fractions.  My thoughts for 5th grade math Is “Am I ready.”


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